Friday, November 9, 2007

Arlene Iantomasi - Halton Catholic School Board Trustee

It's interesting. Google generates traffic based on links to sites, and Blogger is a Google company. How easy is it to create meaningful cross traffic to sites to expose something in a short period of time. Here's the test. was a web site I put together for Arlene Iantomasi in her bid for the Halton Catholic District School Board By-Election for Trustee in Wards 1 and 2.

Her two competitors, Mary Holko and Paul Muller make for interesting fodder. Mary has created her own blog spot but I won't list it here to aid in her promotion. Paul won't even return a phone call to learn more about him.

Why is this important. Because I think the election process should be fair. And the more you learn about people, who they are and what makes them tick, the more knowledgable you can be in your selection.

The next question is how to encourage people to actually vote. I'm far from a political animal. It strikes me that most people, it's apathy...unless something really annoys them. Take a municipal does it really affect you...unless you're directly involved...not likely.

Does that mean the best candidate gets in...not likely. It means the fringe factor has a better chance. Take it right wing or left wing, they tend to sway their followers more, hence the apathy of the general populace means little turnout from the mainstream and the left or right wins...then we complain. Do you part...get out and help your candidate. I've picked mine. Then VOTE.

Enough of my rants now. Let's see who wins.

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